Music: Janie Meneely
Arrangement: Kadee Crottier
Published: Janie Meneely
Soprano: Julie Bailey
Mezzo: Shana Marchand
Alto: Tiana Malone
When the boats all get to sailing and the men are off and gone
What about the women who are often left alone?
Do you think we sit and twiddle thumbs until the men come home?
Well, there’s other things to twiddle when a girl’s left on her own
And it’s twiddle-dee-ai-dee-ai-dee-ai
Well, it’s oftentimes a man will leave you broken with dismay
And it’s twiddle-dee-ai-dee-ai-dee-ai
But there’s other things to twiddle when your man has sailed away
Well, I remember Nancy, she was young and she was gay
She won the heart of Captain Dan until he sailed away
He left high and dry with just a kiss upon her chin
But as his ship went sailing out another ship sailed in
And it’s twiddle-dee-ai-dee-ai-dee-ai
Well, it’s oftentimes a man will leave you broken with dismay
And it’s twiddle-dee-ai-dee-ai-dee-ai
But there’s other things to twiddle when your man has sailed away
Lucy Jeffers’ man came back and knocked upon her door
She was as glad to see him as she’d ever been before
He left her lying in the bed but Lucy didn’t care
‘Cause the poor guy in the closet sure could use a little air
And it’s twiddle-dee-ai-dee-ai-dee-ai
Well, it’s oftentimes a man will leave you broken with dismay
And it’s twiddle-dee-ai-dee-ai-dee-ai
But there’s other things to twiddle when your man has sailed away
And then there was Lucinda Brown, as fair as any maid
Her true love went a voyaging, a sailorman by trade
“Oh, keep the fires burning, love,” those are the words he spoke
So she found herself another lad to keep the fire stoked
And it’s twiddle-dee-ai-dee-ai-dee-ai
Well, it’s oftentimes a man will leave you broken with dismay
And it’s twiddle-dee-ai-dee-ai-dee-ai
But there’s other things to twiddle when your man has sailed away
Well, you hear a lot of stories ’bout the sailors and their sport
About how every sailor has a girl in every port
But if you’ve added two and two you’d figured out right quick
It’s just because the girls all have a lad on every ship
And it’s twiddle-dee-ai-dee-ai-dee-ai
Well, it’s oftentimes a man will leave you broken with dismay
And it’s twiddle-dee-ai-dee-ai-dee-ai
But there’s other things to twiddle when your man has sailed away
And it’s twiddle-dee-ai-dee-ai-dee-ai
Well, it’s oftentimes a man will leave you broken with dismay
And it’s twiddle-dee-ai-dee-ai-dee-ai
But there’s other things to twiddle when your man has sailed away