6:45 AM – Alarm goes off. Apply sunscreen, get halfway into costume, grab coffee, drive to site.*
7:30 AM – Arrive on site and finish dressing. Start drinking water.
8:00 AM – Cast Call: News and information from the directors, check in with DeCantus members to get time and location of group warm-ups, review scheduling grid for showtimes.
8:50 AM – Gather near front gate.
9:00 AM – Cannon fires: Festival is open! Welcome our guests while singing songs with much of the cast.
10:00 AM – Meet for on-site group warm-ups, both vocal and improv, review set lists and showtimes. Drink more water, reapply sunscreen.
11:30 AM – First show, Mac’s Pub: arrive early if possible to hawk and/or play games to draw in audience.
12:00 PM – Drink more water, reapply sunscreen, prepare for the next show.
1:00 PM – Second show, Queen’s Pub: arrive early if possible to hawk and/or play games to draw in audience.
1:30 PM – Get something to drink and/or eat. Reapply sunscreen, then return to the street to be visible and interact with visitors: dance practice, improv games, or just interacting with people in character.
3:00 PM – Third show, Menage a Trois Wine Bar: arrive early if possible to hawk and/or play games to draw in audience.
3:30 PM – Drink more water. Return to street for audience interaction.
5:00 PM – Fourth show, Menage a Trois Wine Bar: arrive early if possible to hawk and/or play games to draw in audience.
6:00 PM – Fifth show, Huzzah Stage: arrive early if possible to hawk and/or play games to draw in audience.
6:30 PM – Closing gate jam with DeCantus, the Court Revelers, and the Dregs.
7:00 PM – BOOM! The closing cannon blows and the festival day is over. (We may sing for a few more minutes – why not? We’re having fun!)
7:15 PM – Head back to your car or campground, change into street clothes (or not), then either wait for traffic to die down before returning home or settle in for a great evening before staying overnight to maximize fun and sleep.
(*Departing from Bloomington. Your mileage and departure time may vary.)