Text: Traditional French
Translation: Katherine F. Rohrbough and Gerald Cockshott
Music: French Carol
Arrangement: Robert Wetzler
Published: Augsburg Fortress Publishing House
Soprano: Laura Lynn Rose
Alto: Jennifer Kujawski
Tenor: Jeffrey Armstrong
Bass: Allen Fisher
He is born, see the Child divine!
Sound the oboe, play the bagpipes.
He is born, see the Child divine!
Sing we all our sweetest song.
O’er the ages, passing slow
Did the prophets give us promise;
O’er the ages, passing slow
All the earth awaited this.
In a stable he was born,
In a manger was his cradle;
In a stable he was born,
Humble babe of Bethlehem.
Come away, ye Orient Kings!
Come and join us in our singing.
Come away, ye Orient Kings!
Come and worship Christ the Lord!