(Ecco Mormorar L’Onde)
Translation: Hugh and Elaine Ross
Music: Claudio Monteverdi
Published: Belwin / Warner Brothers Publications
Soprano: Julie Bailey
Mezzo: Jennifer Lindquist
Alto: Jennifer Kujawski
Tenor: Jeffrey Armstrong
Bass: Douglas Rose
Hear the murmuring waters
The rustle in the tree tops
As morning breezes stir the swaying branches.
And on the verdant boughs
The birds so sweetly sing
Airs to greet the sunrise
The eastern sky is beaming.
See how the dawn arises
Mirror’d deep in the ocean.
She brightens all the heavens.
She turns to pearl the dewdrops
And decks with gold high mountains.
O loveliest Aurora, lovely and gracious
O loveliest Aurora!
Breezes, thy heralds are,
(announce thy coming)
And thou their envoy.
Sick hearts to life restoring.