Text: Traditional
Music: American Folk Song
Arrangement: Lloyd Pfautsch
Published: Lawson-Gould Music Publishers
Soprano: Laura Lynn Rose
Mezzo: Janet Malkiewicz
Alto: Jennifer Kujawski
Hello, girls, listen to my voice,
Don’t you ever marry no good-for-nothing boys,
If you do your doom shall be
Hoecake, hominy and sassafrass tea.
Fa la la…
Young boys walking down the street,
Young girls think they look mighty sweet.
Hand in their pocket, not a dime to they find.
Oh, how tickled, poor girls mine.
Fa la la…
When a young man falls in love,
First it’s honey and then turtledove.
After he’s married, no such thing,
“Get up and get my breakfast, you good-for-nothing thing.”
Fa la la…