Music: Darmon Meader
Published: Carl Fisher, LLC
Soprano: Julie Bailey
Mezzo: Gilah Mashaal
Alto: Laurel Hove Tausend
Tenor: Christopher Sibilia
Bass: William Marth
Well, this is the tale of the tortoise and the hare
It’s an age old tale and you’ve heard it ev’rywhere
‘Bout a fast little bunny who was snoozin’ in the sun
As the day grew long and weary
The turtle said he could beat him in a race
And at first the hare just chuckled in his face
With much persistence soon the bunny broke
and bequeathed the turtle’s query
Fast, fast the rabbit knew
The race was his, he’d win through an’ through
Slow but sure, the tortoise knew
Would lead him home to glory
The chase began and the rabbit took the lead
As the turtle crawled while the bunny had the speed
The tortoise kept a calm and steady pace
Never faltering or resting
Then half way home and the weather being hot
Bunny took a break in a cool and shady spot
“I’ve got some time for a sweet little nap
He is way behind I’m guessing”
Fast, fast the rabbit flew
But then a lengthy slumber did ensue
Slow but sure, the tortoise knew
Would lead him home to glory
As the tortoise plodded steadily along
Mister Rabbit snoozed ’til the day was getting long
Having slept many hours while the turtle passed him by
Silly rabbit had to hurry
Awake and alert, bunny dashed by the mill
As a crowd began to gather on the hill
He began to dream of victory ahead
Never knowing he should worry
Down, down the avenue
The rabbit raced, a turtle to pursue
Slow but sure, the tortoise knew
Would lead him home to glory
With the end of the race only just around the bend
Rabbit thought he was leading his slow and steady friend
So with much surprise, he shuddered when he saw
Mister tortoise near the finish
and the lead would not diminish
So, run bunny run run
Run bunny run
Then panic struck, and the hare began to sweat
He was still behind as the sun began to set
As fast as he could, faster than a kangaroo
Bunny tried to catch the tortoise
The measured pace of the turtle was divine
And the crowd went wild as he crawled across the line
The rabbit gasped as he scampered into town
Sorely beaten and embarrassed
What could the bunny do?
His brash conceit had been his bug-a-boo
Slow but sure, the tortoise knew
He was heading home to glory
Now, now we bid adieu
The turtle won, bunny beaten through and through
Slow but sure, tried an’ true
Is the moral of the story
We will make it home to glory
Run bunny, run run
Bunny run! Run!