Text and Music: John Dowland
Arrangement: Jerry Wesley Harris
Published: Harold Flammer Music / Shawnee Press Inc.
Soprano: Laura Lynn Rose
Alto: Jennifer Kojawski
Tenor: Roland Brenny
Bass: Douglas Rose
Come again! Sweet love doth now invite
Thy graces that refrain to do me due delight;
To see, to hear, to touch, to kiss,
To die with thee again in sweetest sympathy.
Come again! That I may cease to mourn
Through thy unkind disdain; for now left and forlorn,
I sit, I sigh, I weep, I faint,
I die in endless pain and endless misery.
Sweet heav’nly bliss, for all the world to see,
Doth shine in they full kiss, which means so much to me.
Your smiles my heart doth make
To swoon and soar, to swoon and soar,
until my love for you grows more and more.