Text and Music: Robert L. de Pearsall
Published: Theodore Presser Co.
Soprano: Laura Lynn Rose
Alto: Jennifer Kujawski & Jennifer Lindquist
Tenor: Roland Brenny
Bass: Douglas Rose
When Allen-a-Dale went a-hunting,
His bow was stout and strong,
And nought that was game escaped him,
The bushes green among.
The Abbot of Beverly cried, oh, fie!
As he rode out to dine with a knight hard by;
But Allen-a-Dale went a-hunting
On the King’s highway.
Who was the father of Allen-a-Dale?
His sire was a Saxon and lord of the vale;
But the Normans came down with their proud chivalry,
And they robb’d him, and slew him, and burnt his roof free!
So Allen-a-Dale went a hunting on the King’s highway.
What was the calling of Allen-a-Dale?
He was a forester good,
A harper well skilled in ditty and tale,
And the comrade of bold Robin Hood.
And together they ranged the forest glade,
And shot their arrows free;
But because he could sing like a minstrel king,
Why Allen’s the boy for me.