Music: Traditional
Arrangement: Kadee Crottier
Published: Kadee Crottier
Soprano: Julie Bailey
Mezzo: Shana Marchand
Alto: Laurel Hove Tausend
Tenor: Adam Cole
Bass: Daniel Skaarup
When I was ‘prenticed in Plymouth I went to see my dear
The candles they were burning, the moon shone bright and clear
I knocked upon her window to ease her of her pain
She rose to let me in, then she barred the door again
I like your good behavior, darling, thus I often say
And I cannot rest contented while you are far away
The winds they are so cold that we cannot stay thereout
So roll me in your arms, love, and blow the candles out
Now mother and father in yonder room do lie
A-hugging one another so why not you and I?
A-hugging one another without a fear or doubt
So roll me in your arms, love, and blow the candles out
I prithee speak more softly of what we have to do
Lest that our noise of talking will make our pleasure rue
The streets they are so nigh, love, the people walk about
They may peep in and spy, love, so blow the candles out