Text: Petrarch, The Truth of Death
Music: Orlando di Lassus
Published: Chester Music
Soprano: Laura Lynn Rose
Mezzo: Jennifer Lindquist
Alto: Jennifer Kujawski
Tenor: Jeffrey Armstrong
Bass: Douglas Rose
Vedi l’aurora de l’aurato letto rimenar a mortali il giorno;
e’l sole gia fuor de l’ocenano insino al petto.
Questa vien per partirsi: onde mi dole.
S’a dir hai altro, d’esser breve e col tempo dispensa le parole.
Aurora rises from her golden bed and restores the day to us mortals:
the sun is already lifting its breast above the ocean.
However, the dawn comes to part us, thus my grief.
If you have more to say to me, please be brief and shorten your words to fit the little time that remains to us.